Regional Planning Coordination

Because the Barren River Area Development District (BRADD) is a designated Economic Development Development District, BRADD is involved in most regulatory regional planning for the 10 county region. The Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) is utilized and referenced when developing all other regional plans, and planning is done with the advice and consent of the BRADD Board of Directors who represent each county in the region. With BRADD’s assistance, the counties involved in the HMP process also utilize the regional HMP when updating and developing local comprehensive land use plans and other local planning efforts. BRADD also has the intent to incorporate ideas and strategies from all regional plans, including the HMP, into local plans. 

Capability Assessment

Mitigation strategies have been developed in response to the hazard profiles and vulnerability of the assets in each jurisdiction.  These strategies provides each jurisdiction a blueprint for reducing the potential losses identified in the risk assessment, based on existing authorities, policies, programs, resources, and its ability to expand on and improve these existing tools. 

The purpose of conducting this capabilities assessment is to identify potential hazard mitigation opportunities available to the jurisdictions through their daily operations as units of local government.  Careful analysis should detect any existing gaps, shortfalls or weaknesses within existing government activities that could increase community vulnerability.  The assessment will also highlight the positive measures already in place at the jurisdictional level, which should continue to be supported and enhanced through future mitigation efforts. Since the capability assessment in 2017, very little has changed. 

The capabilities assessment serves as the foundation for designing an effective hazard mitigation strategy.  It not only helps establish the goals and objectives for jurisdictions to pursue under this Plan, but ensures that those goals and objectives are realistically achievable under given local conditions.

This capabilities assessment has been divided into the following three sections: