Interactive Mapping

Report Local Areas of Concern

The BRADD’s Hazard Mitigation Feedback Map Application allows city/county officials and employees, local steering committee members, and members of the public to propose potential projects for the Hazard Mitigation Plan and/or identify areas of concern within their communities (such as a road that always floods during heavy rain).

To access the Feedback Map, click the button below. Written instructions for interacting with the map are also below. If you have any questions on how to use the map or the information presented in the map, please contact us at

Instructions for Submitting a Project/Problem Area:

To submit a mitigation project idea or problem area:

1. Click submit a report.

 2. Choose the category – project idea, sewer overflows, persistent power outages, debris issues, flooding issue, infrastructure, or other hazard issue. 

3. Write a comment. For example: Several homes in this neighborhood experienced basement flooding in July of 2019. 

4. Find the location. Use the + button to zoom into the map and the – button to zoom out. Or type in an address. Click to add point.

5. When finished, press report it.  

To like or comment on project ideas/problem areas that have already been added:

1. Click on the icon of the project idea or problem.

2. Press the heart symbol to like.

3. Press the comment icon to comment on the project idea or problem.