Meeting Agendas and Sign-in Sheets / Press Coverage of Public Meetings
BRADD staff conducted over 100 meetings that included agendas and sign in sheets. Please note that informal Zoom meetings and conversations that lasted less than a half hour were not recorded using a sign in sheet. The 100+ agendas and sign-in sheets are organized in a Google Drive folder. To view these records please use the button below. To view a master listing of participants by jurisdiction, click here.
Additionally, BRADD hosted two public meetings in each county to review the hazard mitigation plan update. For press coverage of those public meetings, click the button below.
Regional Economic Development Committee Meetings
BRADD staff held 5 Regional Economic Development Committee Meetings throughout the planning process. Use the button below to learn more about the Regional Economic Development Committee, review meeting minutes, and view available meeting recordings.
Documentation Showing Jurisdictional Adoption of the HMP
BRADD staff attended City Council/Commission and Fiscal Court Meetings throughout the district to present on the Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan and seek approval from each jurisdiction. Copies of each jurisdiction’s resolution adopting the BRADD Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan can be found in the Google Drive linked below.