View Data by specific hazard
View all-hazard data by Community
Learn more about what action steps are planned to address hazard concerns
View a listing of upcoming meetings, trainings, and other events
Report Local Areas of Concern
The BRADD’s Hazard Mitigation Feedback Map Application allows city/county officials and employees, local steering committee members, and members of the public to propose potential projects for the Hazard Mitigation Plan and/or identify areas of concern within their communities (such as a road that always floods during heavy rain).
Specific Data Sets
As part of the regional multi-hazard multi-jurisdiction mitigation plan and Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, BRADD maintains several dashboards and data storymaps.
Climate impacts
Working with AT&T’s Climate Resilient Communities Program and the Climate Risk and Resilience (ClimRR) Portal, BRADD identified additional opportunities for hazard mitigation action items associated with climate impacts in the Barren River Region.
This story map examines the social vulnerability of the BRADD region as they relate to Hazard Mitigation.
Emergency Manager Portal
BRADD Maintains an Emergency-Manager Specific Portal for area leaders.

The secrets of success
Viewing any given topic from a broad and holistic perspective, each individual decision can be better tied into sustainable community development as a whole.
Stephen M. Wheeler
– Sustainability in Community Development
By looking at Hazard Mitigation Planning, Comprehensive Economic Development Planning, and Strategic Planning from a regional prospective, BRADD Communities are better situated to support each other and garner outside investment in priority areas.
BRADD worked through County Steering Committees to update several regional plans, including the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. Additionally, these County Steering Committees continue to work to implement the goals and objectives outlined in the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan.
In addition to monthly local Steering Committee Meetings, numerous public hearings, or “Voice of the Community” meetings will be held throughout the process.
This Regional Planning Effort aims to build upon existing local plans, incorporating previously completed efforts as opposed to recreating the wheel in each community.